Leadership Coaching
Imagine all the Leaders.
Imagine a world where leaders in the workplace with a clear vision of their own role and purpose and a vision for the organization. Imagine leaders building new awareness, committing to change, and making changes that lead them to new challenges and successes in the organization. Imagine authentic leaders who carry themselves with confidence and presence. Imagine leaders fostering positive relationships, communicating effectively and accomplishing great things. Imagine the impact of those leaders on productivity and innovation. Imagine leaders rising as high as they can/want to go and then contributing back to the world where they realized their success.
Now Imagine You as One of Those Leaders.
Instead of stuck, you have a partner to work from confusion to clarity to commitment to change. You have a partner to help you self-actualize into the leader you aspire to be. Imagine being inspired as a subordinate, peer, and boss, and how your success motivates others. Next Game Plan builds coaching goals based on your own needs and stakeholder feedback to help you advance to the next level of leadership.
Can’t Imagine it? Now you can.
Work with Next Game Plan and develop your personal playbook to reach the next level of leadership.
Coaching Game Plan
Next Game Plan works with all levels of leadership, from emerging leaders to the “C” suite. What do they all have in common? They are interested in moving forward—they want to move away from confusion and towards clarity and the next level of leadership.
Coaching is about being fully present with our clients, hearing their needs and aspirations, and partnering with them to achieve their professional development goals. Next Game Plan clients have a coach who is unconditionally on their team, with the single focus of guiding them to meet challenges and build their arsenal of strengths with confidence.
Leadership coaching is a personal development process, whatever the level, to help you be more successful in your current role and move forward in your organization.
Leadership Coaching Approach
Have you ever committed to a workout plan only to find yourself sore after the first workout? Were you disappointed that you did not see results right away? Did you stick with it and start to see results? Those results motivated you to keep at it, rearrange your routine, and see even greater results, until you couldn’t believe you had been transformed. That’s coaching! The ahh-hahs are the first step, then it’s the daily workouts that keep you in the game. Coaches help you develop your individual playbook and keep you in the game.
Leadership Coaching Playbook
Partner with the client to understand the current situation through intake,active listening, staying curious, and powerful questions.
Determine coaching and development goals, both in the short- and long-term. Get feedback from key stakeholders.
Help the client gain greater awareness of what has kept them from reaching their goals “up until now.” Help the client understand their unique lens, beliefs, strengths, and blind spots.
Use tools when warranted to help build awareness such as 360 feedback, emotional intelligence, personality and values-based assessments.
Encourage the development of a leadership development plan.
Create new behaviors for the client to practice and hone associated with their personal development goals.
“Amy has a unique ability to ask thought provoking questions that allowed me to think through a number of different challenges in a way that led to effective solutions. I appreciated her ability to be direct, while still allowing me the time to make the realizations on my own. Whenever I struggled with how to think through a difficult issue, Amy would provide a framework to help me through it, rather than give me the answers I was in search of. This type of leadership has given me the ability to repeat these processes on my own, and in turn teach my team to do the same. My time with her was extremely valuable and I would highly recommend her to any executive looking to take their career to the next level of leadership.”